3주된 아기 adjustment !! 작성자 : 이중현     작성일 : 2013-05-08
이중현  2013-05-08
Jackson is one of two identical twin brothers. He was born one week premature with reflux and sleeping difficulties right from Day One, due to a traumatic birth. He came in incredibly unsettled with a constant uncomfortable cry. The adjustment settled him immediately by taking the pressure of those nerves and he fell straight to sleep!
이중현  2013-05-09
아기가 참 귀엽네요 ㅎㅎ..정말 알면 알수록 카이로프랙틱의 세계.. 놀랍네요!!
김종건  2013-05-09
저도.. 올리는 방법을 다시 배워야 할듯 그럼 올릴텐데요..
이주강  2013-05-10
Trurely a magical healing Chiropractic hand !!!!
안성현  2013-05-11
surprise!! Do you know? Its real chiropactic.