Five Reasons Pregnant Women Need Chiropractic Treatment (임산부에게 카이로프랙틱 치료가 필요한 이유 5가지)) 작성자 : 안성현     작성일 : 2014-01-14

As any pregnant woman can testify, pregnancy is no walk in the park.

The aches, pains, sickness, discomfort, challenges, and decisions can be ‘Oh!’ so overwhelming. As they say though, the risk is well worth the reward of a beautiful, healthy little baby.

What women don’t realize is that chiropractic treatment can benefit them, their babies, and their labor and delivery. Here are five simple reasons why:

1. Chiropractic can be very effective at managing pregnancy-related symptoms.

Pregnancy comes with a whole host of fun issues. Back pain, extremity pain and swelling, morning sickness, headaches; I need not go on. Regular chiropractic care has been known to reduce if not eliminate these symptoms to make your pregnancy go even that much smoother. Not to mention, chiropractic is incredibly safe while being highly effective.

2. Chiropractic can help turn breech babies and other mal-positions.

There’s not much worse than being told that your baby is breech (or any other type of mal-position), only days from your due date. Chiropractors are trained for this very reason in something called the ‘Webster Technique,’ a gentle manipulation that is able to correct the position of a baby in-utero. The earlier treatment begins during pregnancy, the better, since preventative chiropractic (aka wellness care) can almost ensure that mom won’t have a breech baby.

Obstetricians and midwives are able to accurately diagnose baby mal-positions as early as 36 weeks, so if you find out that your baby is mal-aligned for a natural birth, you should seek chiropractic immediately. After that, time is of the essence. It’s never too late to try turning a baby with chiropractic, but the better scenario is to mirror your obstetrics appointments with chiropractic starting with the first trimester. As your body changes, the chiropractor will help your body adapt to those changes.

3. Women under chiropractic care have demonstrated significantly shorter labors.

Check out this study by the National Institute of Health. The study found that first time moms who received regular chiropractic care experienced on average, a 25% shorter labor time. As for seasoned moms who received chiropractic care; labor time was on average, 31% shorter. Vaginal delivery is strongly dependent on the alignment and relationship between mommy’s pelvis and baby. If mom has misalignments, it can interfere with effective labor and delivery, thus prolonging it.

4. A chiropractor’s office: one of the few places a mom-to-be can lay on their tummy. Even up to their delivery date! 

Chiropractic treatment tables are designed to allow for mom’s growing tummy. For many women, this is worth the cost of admission, since the pleasure of laying on their tummies is almost enough of a reason to seek chiropractic. We’ve had many a request from moms-to-be to nap on our tables; we oblige whenever possible!

5. Chiropractors are well versed in all aspects of pregnancy and natural childbirth. 

Did you know that all chiropractors study perinatal and pediatric care as part of their curriculum?  That, along with their hands-on, drug-free approach, is what makes chiropractors such great resources for pregnant women! They are well versed in supporting women throughout pregnancy and delivery, as well as follow up care. It’s true that chiropractic has been found to be one of the safest things that women can do ? even according to the National Institute of Health.

Still have questions? Let me know!


2014년도 열심히 영어 공부합시다~~!!

이중현  2014-01-21
정말 영어 공부 열심히 해야겠네요 4번 문장은 어떻게 해석 해야할까요? 특수하게 제작된 카이로프랙틱 테이블의 이점에 관한 내용일까요? ...안성현이사님 좋은 내용 감사합니다~^^
이주강  2014-02-04
임신부가 prone 자세로 누워 검진과 치료받을 수 있는 유일한 클리닉, Chiropractic clinic !!! 방법은 내가 아르켜드릴게
이중현  2014-02-04
감사합니다 교수님^^