Female Infertility and Chiropractic Wellness Care(카이로프랙틱 치료와 불임) 작성자 : 안성현     작성일 : 2014-07-15

Female Infertility and Chiropractic Wellness Care:A Case Study on the Autonomic Nervous System Response while Under Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care and Subsequent Fertility

Tammy M. Kaminski, DC


Objective: This case study describes a woman, previously diagnosed with a lazy (reproductive) system, who became pregnant after commencing subluxation-based chiropractic care.

Clinical Features: A 31 year old woman presented to have her nervous system evaluated after her husband?s encouragement. They were under medical treatment for infertility as they had been attempting to become pregnant for over 12 months, and the woman had been taking Clomiphine Citrate (clomid) for 3 months. Her previous child, three years old, had been conceived naturally. 

Chiropractic Care and Outcome: The initial chiropractic examination revealed increased aberrant autonomic and motor nervous system function detected on the thermography scans and sEMG scans, respectively. For the first three months (21

visits) of care the practice member received Diversified chiropractic adjustments followed by four months (12 visits) of Torque Release adjustments. At each visit prior to structural diversified adjustments, motion and static palpation, visual observation, Deerfield leg check and cervical syndrome test were performed to detected vertebral subluxations. The Torque Release Technique (TRT) utilizes the Intergrator?, a torque and recoil release adjusting instrument and three phases comprised the evaluation. After one month of care the practice member chose to stop taking the clomid. By the third month of care she reported having normal menses for two months and drug-free ovulation by month four. Nine months after chiropractic wellness care, the practice member conceived and proceeded to experience a successful full term pregnancy.

Conclusion: After receiving wellness chiropractic care for the detection and correction of vertebral subluxations, the practice member showed marked improvement in autonomic and motor system function as demonstrated on her sEMG and thermography scans. In additon, after having great difficulty conceiving, she became pregnant nine months after commencing chiropractic care. Further studies are needed to document the relationship between infertility, autonomic nervous system function, and the response to wellness chiropractic care, including subsequent fertility.

Key words: infertility, chiropractic, wellness, subluxation, practice member, Torque Release Technique, Diversified Chiropractic Technique, EMG, thermography.