Thoracolumbar Syndrome: The Great Mimic 작성자 : 안성현     작성일 : 2014-10-21

Thoracolumbar Syndrome: The Great Mimic

By Terry Elder, DC and Kevin Curtin, DC

The thoracolumbar junction is a common area of joint dysfunction. The most obvious cause is dysfunctional breathing or lack of diaphragmatic breathing.

Treating this breathing problem will ultimately be the long-term cure for the syndrome. However, the reason we call thoracolumbar syndrome the "great mimic" is because its presentation is similar to sacroiliac syndrome, hip pain and pubic pain.

A common misunderstanding in manual therapy treatment is that localized pain signifies the manipulable lesion. This is almost never the correct assumption. Pain is usually due to joint hypermobility or irritation of nerves, neither of which responds to manipulation at the site of pain.

Thoracolumbar syndrome is possibly the easiest condition to treat as long as it is recognized. As mentioned, the pain patterns mimic sacroiliac pain, hip pain or pubic pain. If the orthopedic tests are negative for these conditions, you should consider the possibility of thoracolumbar syndrome.

Etiology and Diagnosis

The etiology of thoracolumbar syndrome is thoracolumbar dysfunction and irritation of the cluneal nerves. After leaving the T/L junction, the cluneal nerves continue to include the broad area of the sacroiliac joints, the hip and extending to the pubic region. Due to the high prevalence of dysfunctional breathing (about 60 percent of the population), this condition also has a very high prevalence.

Thoracolumbar Syndrome - Copyright ? Stock Photo / Register MarkDiagnosis of thoracolumbar syndrome is relatively simple. During palpation in a "sphinx" position, pain often occurs in the low back, hip or pubic region as the doctor palpates the T/L region. A clinical jewel is the use of skin rolling over the sacroiliac joints. If the sacroiliac joints are inflamed, skin rolling is mildly irritating; but because the cluneal nerves are more superficial, skin rolling will be exceedingly painful.

Thoracolumbar syndrome will never exhibit thoracolumbar pain. We also should point out that a rare thoracolumbar disc herniation can produce exactly the same symptoms. Failure to perform the femoral nerve stretch test could result in a failure to recognize this condition. All rare conditions, although rare, must be accounted for.

Treating T/L Syndrome

Treatment for thoracolumbar syndrome is primarily T/L extension in a supine position. Other T/L adjustments can be utilized, but supine extension is the most effective. Prone manipulation at that level is not only painful from personal experience, but also a higher risk for rib fracture.

Another clinical jewel is the effect of T/L manipulation on perpetually cold feet. Manipulation of this area tends to alleviate the chronic cold feet caused by dysfunction of the thoracolumbar joint.

Sphinx Posture Palpation

  • Patient prone on elbows, slightly in front of shoulders
  • Head facing forward as if watching TV
  • Doctor starts at T4 and palpates down the spine, feeling for restriction

T/L Supine Extension

  • Patient is supine; doctor begins hip to hip (if doctor is smaller than patient, doctor is eye is to eye)
  • Doctor's weight is forward on well-dorsiflexed front leg
  • Patient's arms are crossed with hands under axillas
  • From the left side of the table, the doctor's right forearm compresses both arms of the patient
  • The doctor's left hand lifts the patient's head into the doctor's right hand
  • At this point, the doctor is ear to ear with the patient
  • The patient is lifted to the point of contact by the doctor sitting toward the patient's hip
  • The contact is a soft fist that straddles the spinous process
  • The doctor allows the patient to fall back until the full weight of the spine is on the contact
  • The thrust is a body drop through the contact hand

We would like to again point out that thoracolumbar syndrome is most likely the most missed condition by our profession. Although the sacroiliac joint is commonly dysfunctional, it is not a common pain generator. If a patient exhibits sacroiliac pain, we recommend thoracolumbar syndrome as the first diagnosis.

같이 영어 공부 해요~~!!

한주영  2014-10-22
좋은 자료 감사합니다. ^^
라기문  2014-10-22
정말 좋은자룐데요? 배우고갑니다!ㅎ^^
이주강  2014-10-23
every body understood?
이주강  2014-10-23
cluneal 신경 때문이야!
이중현  2014-10-23
완전 좋은 자료 감사합니다^^ 'on perpetually cold feet' 교수님 해석이 어떻게 되나요?
이주강  2014-10-24
perpetual cold feet: T/L extension 어져스트먼트는 악성적으로 발이 찬 현상을 치료하는데 매우 효과적이라는 의미
이중현  2014-10-24
감사합니다~ 내용이 진짜 흥미롭네요.. 오늘부터 T-L junction에 더 관심을 갖아야겠습니다^^
신원주  2014-11-30
실재로 임상에서 환자를 보다보면 back pain 환자중에서 TL junction problem 이 있는사람이 아주 많습니다. 그런데 위의 etiology에서 원인이 hypermobility 와 nerve irritation 이라고 하였는데 그러면 TL Junction 부위에 직접적인 manipulation 가하면 안되는 건가요?
신원주  2014-11-30
교수님 그러면 cold feet을 호소하는 사람들에서 TL junciton 에 뭔가의 시술을 하면 효과적이라는 의미인가요?
안성현  2014-11-30
안녕하세요 신원주 선생님 T/L Junction의 직접적 Adjust는 하셔도 됩니다. 다만 Supine, Prone, Side posture에서 approach 하실수 있는네 이 3가지 방법 subluxation Listing을 고려하셔야 하며, 글에서 써진대로 특히 Prone에서의 Adjust는 Rib fracture 조심하셔야 합니다.
안성현  2014-11-30
본문의 etiology 간략 설명에 thoracolumbar dysfunction 과 cluneal nerve의 irritation에 대해서 이야기 합니다. 카이로프랙틱 관점으로 Subluxation=Fix라는 개념이 있습니다. 또한 Subluxation 단 한개의 추체로 일어나지 않고 2개의 추체가 한 분절을 이루어 subluxation을 일으킵니다. Dr.서정하 박사님의 연구결과로 보면 지속적인 변위 상태는 CNS와 PNS 문제를 야기 시킵니다. 간단히 요약하면 Fix된 subluxation이 병변을 일으킨다고 생각하시면 될것 같습니다. 마지막으로 많은 것을 글로 다 설명할수 없지만 subluxation은 여러 요소로 발생 됩니다. posture, Injury, chemical 등등 이때마다 adjust 할지 안할지의 여부가 결정됩니다.
김종건  2014-12-01
교수님 그럼 발에서 열이 심하게 나는 사람은 어떻게 치료 할까요???
신원주  2014-12-04
안성현 선생님 감사합니다. 그러면 cold feet 환자에 있어서 효과가 있다는 의미는 자율신경계와의 연관성으로 이야기 하는건가요?
이주강  2014-12-04
닥터 신, 좋은 지적입니다. Thoracolumbar junction은 back and gluteal pain의 흔한 원인입니다. 그리고 adjustment는 hypermobile joint 아래 segment에 집중하죠. 물론 atlas 역시 치료하셔야 하고. 그리고 cold feet은 cluneal nerve, medial and superior nerve는 sacral nerve와 교통하면서 발생하는 paresthesia 일 수 있고 또한 자율신경 완화로 인해 효과를 볼 수 있다고 생각합니다.
손유리  2014-12-05
저도 환자 T/L 운동시키면서 이렇게 중요한지 새삼 느끼네요. 이제까지 cluneal N가 한쌍의 가지인줄 알았는데 다시 찾아보니 여러가지군요! 교수님께서 말씀하신 medial and superior nerve는 sacral nerve와 교통한다는 의미가 무엇인지 궁금해서 댓글남겨봅니다!